Sprinkler Guide


Friday, May 30, 2008

Lawn Sprinkler Heads - Why The Right Sprinkler Head Is Crucial

So this is the year you have decided to grow that special garden you've always wanted. Well, after planting all the vegetables or flowers and shrubs, don't forget about the sprinkler system. Having the right lawn sprinkler head on your irrigation system is crucial in helping grow a healthy, vigorous garden.

Having the best sprinkler system doesn't mean you must dig up your yard and install sprinkler equipment. It can be as simple as using a tripod sprinkler with a good quality sprinkler head.

Your main goal is to be able to water your garden as thoroughly and easily as possible. So your best sprinkler system may be either an above ground or in ground system.

In finding the best sprinkler head for your particular needs I would take a look at Rainbird or Orbit first. You can easily go online and get to their websites.

Orbit is first class all the way. Their sprinkler heads are a professional grade quality that will give you years of trouble free use.

Orbit also offers every type of sprinkler in use today including tripod sprinkler heads and popup sprinkler heads.

Finding the right equipment for your watering needs will allow you to spend more time in your garden growing more plants, rather than having to try and fight to keep them alive.

All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active and do not edit the article in any way.

You can find much more information on a Lawn Sprinkler Head as well as more information on all types of sprinklers at http://www.SprinklersA-z.com

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Lawn Sprinklers- A Buyers Guide to Watering Your Garden Lawn

If you want to take pride in your lawn and keep it lush and green all year round then watering your lawn is essential during the drier seasons. You have quite a few options to do this but using a sprinkler is one of the easiest. When choosing a sprinkler then you have the option of an over-ground or under-ground/in-ground sprinkler.

If You Have a Small Lawn

If your lawn is quite small you would be wasting your money on buying an underground lawn system. Instead buy an over ground sprinkler which is much cheaper, doesn't require any special installation and is perfectly adequate for your needs. With an over ground sprinkler there is a sprinkler head to a garden hose which you place in the middle of the lawn. Some people don't like the look of these so buy an ornamental head instead.

Also you might live in a temperate area where you still get rain in the summer months. Having an over-ground sprinkler means that you can use it now and again to keep the turf from drying out.

If You Have a Large Lawn

For much larger lawns then an over ground sprinkler will not work as effectively as you will need to keep moving it around to make sure that all of the grass is well watered. This is why an underground sprinkler is probably best. When choosing an in-ground sprinkler you can choose between a spray sprinkler and a drip sprinkler.

Spray Sprinklers

Spray sprinklers are a lot less efficient in water conservation because they over-water an area. They are only about 60% efficient.

Drip Sprinkler

The benefits of have a drip sprinkler is that it is more economic on water - this is an especially important point if you live in an area with very low rainfall. It is said that efficiency is over 90% as long as it has been installed and set up correctly. Drip irrigations have been used commercially for many years by farmers growing vegetables etc.

Of course watering the grass is only one part of caring for your lawn. You will also need to feed it regularly, apply the appropriate weed killers and aerate using a fork or lawn aerator machine.

George Kerr loves gardening and has written many articles on caring for your lawn plus other matters relating to the garden.


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Monday, May 26, 2008

Watering Lawn Sprinklers - How to Pick the Best for Your Grass

Complex or simple, costly or cheap, you can’t help but notice the watering lawn devices that populate many yards each summer.

There are several different types of watering lawn sprinklers one can use. Each suited to do a specific task. The right one for your situation comes down to just that. Your situation.

For medium to large lawns oscillating sprinklers are good. They can cover a large area. One drawback however, is the spray can be affected by wind gusts. On the other hand they’re great fun for the kids to run through.

Another of the watering lawn sprinklers well suited for medium sized yards is the rotary sprinkler.

If you’re got the water pressure and a large expanse, pulsating sprinklers might fill the bill. You may have seen these in operation on golf courses as they sweep a stream of water across the targeted grassy area? Actually they lay on the water more slowly than do oscillating sprinklers. And their spray is less likely to be affected by the wind.

Turning to smaller lawns, you might consider a stationary sprinkler. These generally have a smaller spray pattern making them ideal for tighter areas. Some sprinklers even let you vary that pattern too.

Myself I’m always fascinated by the moving lawn sprinklers. Looks like a toy tractor in many cases. These trace the pattern of the hose which guides them across your lawn. They’re powered by water pressure which turns the rear wheels which I think is pretty nifty.

So those are what? five types of lawn sprinklers. One should work well in your situation.

Now during periods of restricted water usage you might be wise to consider going with a soaker hose. Basically there are hundreds of small holes exactingly punched along the sides of the hose. The water seeps out and quenches your lawns thirst over time with no moving parts.

Regardless of which type of watering lawn sprinklers you use, remember that it’s best to water in the evening. Doing so cuts down on evaporation and gives your grass time to take a deep drink. Which is the basic idea isn’t it?

Keeping your grass moisturized is one thing. Keeping it neat and trim might require help from these riding lawnmower reviews Find out why it could be smart to pay a premium for a better than decent riding lawn mower.

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Automatic Fire Sprinklers For Your Home

Every responsible homeowner has smoke detectors, but few have any kind of automatic fire sprinkler system installed. It is true, that a house using a well-maintained smoke detector in every room is likely to detect a fire in its early stages, which greatly increases the chances of escaping safely, but for me, I want the best possible protection for my family. I had never realize that there was more to fire prevention than smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and of course a house that is up to building codes until I began my job working in a manufacturer warehouse. It was only then that I noticed something that every industrial building has, but few homes do – something that can ultimately mean the difference between life and death in a fire. That something is, of course, automatic fire sprinklers.

Automatic fire sprinkler manufacturers have been making this equipment for factories, warehouses, and even in office buildings for many years, but have never quite made a complete foray into the consumer market. This is a shame, as they are such a logical extension of the smoke detector. The way that automatic fire sprinklers work is very simple. When heavy smoke is detected in a room, it sets off the sprinklers in the ceiling. These rain down a substantial amount of water – enough to quench a fire in its beginning stages, or to slow one that is more advanced.

Of course, automatic fire sprinklers do have their drawbacks which make them sort of problematic for a household environment. Having that much water raining down in a room can really put a damper on your day, so to speak. Carpets, books, clothing, and even walls can be ruined, and mildew growth can be stimulated by thoroughly soaking a room. This means that automatic fire sprinklers are not a good idea for the kitchen or adjoining rooms.

Of course, in the environment where automatic fire sprinklers are traditionally used, this is not a problem at all. Smoke in a kitchen might just mean a minor cooking accident, but smoke in a manufacturer warehouse almost always spells trouble. The same goes for an office building, or a factory. In the den, the bedrooms, and many hallways, however, automatic fire sprinklers just make sense. Although they are expensive, and do not absolutely eliminate the chance of fire, a good automatic fire sprinklers system is, in my opinion worth it because it does make my family somewhat safer.

You can find much more information on Automatic Fire Sprinklers as well as more information on all types of sprinklers at http://www.sprinklersa-z.com.

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Friday, May 23, 2008

Lawn Sprinklers

Many modern day American homes, especially those located in the suburbs come with a beautifully landscaped lawn like a sparkling green carpet laid out in the front. In fact, there are many who simply cannot dream of a home without a lawn, mowed, watered and trimmed. And maybe with tulips raising their glorious heads here and there as added charm. Gardening has become a favorite pastime and for some it is a serious past time.

But do you know the secret behind that sylvan splendor? The life force of vegetation of every kind and form comes from water and sunlight. Though you may not be able to guarantee solar exposure, you surely can provide the much-needed water, all the 365 days in a year merely by installing an effective lawn sprinkler.

Gone are the days when you had to go round the lawn with a summer hose, directing the spray to every corner of the precious land and getting wet all over in the process. Besides, it needed your attention all the year round, no matter if you had urgent business in hand and could not spare the time. Also, it could either be messy or inadequate, depending on your mood, weather conditions and seasonal drawbacks.

But things today have undergone a sea change. Automatic timer devised lawn sprinklers have taken over the job from your hand and they do it better. Connected to the main water supply, they douse the lawn, I mean every inch of it, with a fine spray of life giving water to the grass that absorbs the liquid to produce green blades every day, year after year with very little or no attention from you. The result? A lawn that soothes the mind and welcomes the new day each morning as you come out of the house and fill your lungs with a deep breath.

Worried about selecting the right one? No problem. The world-wide-web will guide you to the right place. Browse through the web; there are numerous portals offering you an assortment of sprinklers to choose from. Select the one that suits you best and buy online.

If you'd like further information on lawn sprinklers, gardening, or other out door activities visit our website at Outdoor Activities.

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