Sprinkler Guide


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Conserve Water - 6 Tips For Proper Sprinkler Setup

Recently Southern Californians have been asked to reduce water consumption due to an extremely dry season. Surely there are many parts of the world in similar conditions. In order to avoid a potential future drought, action needs to be taken to conserve water. One of the most effective ways to conserve water is to properly setup your sprinkler systems.

Here are 6 tips to proper sprinkler setup:

  1. Fix sprinkler heads that overshoot onto the sidewalk or you neighbors driveway. This is usually an easy fix by simply turning the sprinkler head to face the proper direction. You may also need to change the head to the proper shape to avoid over spray.
  2. Don't water during heat of the day. The main reason for this is that water will vaporize and evaporate much more in heat.
  3. Water in early morning hours. This reduces evaporation and is a healthy time to water for lawn and plants.
  4. Reduce runoff by setting timer for two shorter periods. set periods 15 or 20 minutes apart. For example, if you currently water each of your timer zones for 10 minutes, you can reduce runoff by setting a 5 minute time, wait 15 minutes then set another 5 minute time. This allows water penetration into the soil.
  5. Turn timer off on a rainy day and leave it off for two or three days after rain or set the "rain delay" feature on timer.
  6. Convert some of your spray heads to a bubbler or drip system. In areas where most of the water is hitting bare dirt, a bubbler or drip is a direct hit on the plants that need water.

Do your part in water conservation by giving your sprinkler system a tune up.

Get your fix at http://www.HowToFixYourStuff.com People Helping People Fix Stuff.


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